Friday, June 19, 2009

Lee Hom = Awesome

Wang Lee Hom... He is really talented.. I really admire his musical talents, he truly is one who loves his music. The effort, the message, the thought put into all his songs are really significant... Besides his great looks ( you can't say you did't see that one coming.. hehe..) he really is a true musician.. Which is more than I can say for may other artists.. I may just be a fan.. (: Michael buble.. come on.. whats happening? Lee Hom is quickly taking your place! lol.. Oh yea, and did I mention, he only learnt Mandarin when he was 18.. A true inspiration.. He has brains too.. Check out his interview with Tash Aw... Don't tell me that was nothing.. You probably could'nt get it... So what if he's moody? THats a sign of a musician! I know.. trust me.. They only seem that way to people who don't understand.. they don't realize the tremendous pressure musicians put upon themselves.. They are special that way.. And they would'nt be the same without their occasional perfectionist mannerisms.. :P
Hey, I'm just saying what I think and feel, no offense or watever.. And even if it were rumours, I still would'nt change what I think about Lee Hom.. He truly is talented.. And an inspiration.. Kudos, Wang Lee Hom!! Keep it up..

1 comment:

Just Say It Already! 說啦...